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  • Writer's pictureFiona van Aswegen

How to be a green tourism provider

If you already operate a hospitality business it can seem a very daunting prospect to try and turn what you have into an “Eco” business. Where do you begin to start in a process that covers everything from composting loos, locally sourced food to biomass boilers?

The answer is to take it step by step. Small changes added together can make a big difference. You could start by introducing recycling bins, or planting more trees around your land or encouraging guests to cycle instead of drive.

Any changes that you do implement make sure to let your guests know about them - they really do want to hear! 95% of people claim that protecting the environment is important to them so let them know what you are doing, and why.

If you are taking steps towards a more sustainable business model then it is worthwhile getting certified. This helps you to prove to customers and suppliers that you are following sustainability guidelines and can open up avenues to better deals with green suppliers.

An important fact to hang onto is that any change you implement is also likely to save your business money. Switching to LED lights, reducing the frequency of changing towels and linen, making security and courtesy lighting run on motion sensors - just small alterations that over the course of a year can have a positive impact on your bottom line.

“‘Sustainable tourism is important for businesses because it ensures their viability, both environmentally and economically. Running a truly sustainable business is cheaper and more profitable than non-sustainable models.’”
Andrea Nicholas, MD of the Green Tourism Programme

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